Forms and helpful documents
Cruise Information Guide
Helpful information on the travel, the diving, water temperatures, the boat, etc. can be found in our Cruise Information Guide. Please review this document as you are planning your cruise as well as when you near your departure date.
Application and Waiver Document
To be cleared for boarding, this form must be completed and returned to our office prior to travel. PLEASE NOTE: So not to delay processing of these forms, please make sure to complete the form and have your waiver witnessed on the bottom right-hand side.
Galapagos Sky Information Sheet
Information on Galapagos Sky.
Departure Day Instructions for Guests traveling on AV1630 on Sunday UIO
For guests with pre-paid and prearranged TCT and Park fees flying to San Cristobal on their departure day from Quito UIO Airport
Departure Day Instructions for Guests traveling on AV1630 on Sunday GYE
For guests with pre-paid and prearranged TCT and Park fees flying to San Cristobal on their departure day from Guayaquil GYE Airport
Meet The Crew On Cruise Departure Day Information
For guests who arrived to San Cristobal prior to their departure day who will be meeting the crew at the dock area on Sunday.
Rental Gear Information
Rental Gear Information PDF.
Diver Medical Form
For divers with a known medical history, condition, or physical impairment or are currently taking any prescription or other medication that may affect you directly or indirectly (via side effects) while participating in activities aboard or based from Galapagos Sky.